
Featured Clients
Down Syndrome Resource Foundation & Disability Pride Month

The vision of the Down Syndrome Resource Foundation is a world that values and empowers people with Down syndrome, fostering economic, social, and individual inclusion throughout their lives.

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Secure Payment Gateway for Nonprofits: What You Need to Know

Looking for a secure payment gateway to protect your nonprofit and your donors? Explore iATS Payments today!

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Featured Clients
The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation: Adding Tomorrows for People with the Disease

The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation is a 501 non-profit organization in the United States established to provide the means to cure cystic fibrosis and ensure that those living with CF live long and productive lives.

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ACH Processing

Dive into the essentials of ACH payment processing, including what ACH is, how ACH processing works, and even one of the best ACH processors for nonprofits.

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Securing Donations: A Nonprofit's Roadmap to Payment Fraud Protection

Master your nonprofit’s online payment fraud detection, protection, and prevention strategies.

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Featured Clients
American Red Cross: Turn Compassion into Action

The American Red Cross is one of the most recognizable nonprofits in the world. Learn how they're helping relief efforts in Ukraine and how you can help.

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The Best Way to Collect Donations Online for Your Nonprofit

We worked with our partner Silent Partner Software to explain why an integrated, all-in-one solution is the best way to support your nonprofit's online fundraising.

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3 Key Ways to Improve your Post Event Strategy

We worked with our friends at Auction Frogs on this quick list of things to remember when wrapping up and reconciling your next fundraising event. 

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