Resources to help your clients make the most of Giving Tuesday.

Here are your Giving Tuesday 2023 resources.

The Ultimate Giving Tuesday Free Resources Guide

Empowering Nonprofits on Giving Tuesday: A Wealth of Free Resources to Maximize Impact

The Ultimate Free Resources Guide

A Giving Tuesday Security Guide Webinar

Strengthening Your Nonprofit's Payment Security for Giving Tuesday with our payment security webinar

Security Guide Webinar

Giving Tuesday Email Marketing Tips

Share the power of email marketing with your clients Giving Tuesday Campaign

Email Marketing

Social Media Tactics

Boosting your clients Giving Tuesday impact with social media tactics to further their campaigns

Social Media Tactics

Improve Donation Page Conversions

A guide on how to help your clients improve their donation page conversions this Giving Tuesday

Improve Donation Page Conversions

Nonprofit Payments Buyer's Guide

For funds to move from a donor’s bank account to your nonprofit client's, you need to work with a payment processor – a company that manages transactions between donors and nonprofits. Learn everything there is to know here.

Buyers Guide

Secure Payment Services - Everything You Need To Know

Everything your nonprofit client needs to know to make sure their donors’ financial information is safe

Secure Payment Services

Get Your Email Marketing Ready for Giving Tuesday Webinar

Get ready for Giving Tuesday with nonprofit consultant Vanessa Chase Lockshin. A clear roadmap to digital fundraising success on Giving Tuesday

Giving Tuesday Webinar

Roadmap to Payment Fraud Protection

Everything your client needs to know about payment fraud detection and protection to reassure donors and fortify their payment system

Fraud Protection

PCI Compliance

Your guide to total payment security for your nonprofit clients

PCI Compliance

Supercharge Your Giving Tuesday Donor Engagement

Unlocking Success: Key Strategies for Online Fundraising on Giving Tuesday with Social Impact Solutions and iATS Payments webinar

Strategies Webinar

Prepare For End Of Year Fundraising

Get started on making your clients end-of-year fundraising a success

End of Year Fundraising

20+ years of serving nonprofits

With our technology and deep knowledge of the nonprofit sector, we provide the totally reliable payment processing your organization needs to run smoothly and efficiently.