
Supercharge Your Giving Tuesday Donor Engagement!

Oct 04, 2023

Are you looking to enhance your understanding of online fundraising and its impact. Look no further! We recently hosted a captivating webinar in collaboration with Social Impact Solutions. The webinar was an illuminating deep dive into the realm of essential strategies for a successful online fundraising campaign this Giving Tuesday, and we're excited to share the highlights with you.

Joining Forces For Insightful Discussions

Our Marketing Manager, Sarah Stritch, teamed up with Social Impact Solutions Co-Founder, Lauren Vanderpool, to deliver invaluable insights that can make a profound impact on your fundraising efforts.

Unveiling Key Discussion Topics

Throughout the webinar, we covered a spectrum of topics designed to enhance your understanding of online fundraising and its impact:

  • What is Fundraising & Impact: Gain a comprehensive understanding of the fundamentals of fundraising and the critical role that impact plays in your campaigns.
  • Why Does Impact Matter: Discover why emphasizing impact in your fundraising efforts is a game-changer and how it resonates with donors.
  • Impact & Giving Tuesday: Learn how to align your fundraising strategy with the spirit and opportunities of Giving Tuesday for maximum results.
  • iATS Payment Features & Tools: Explore the powerful features and tools offered by iATS Payment to streamline your online fundraising effort.

Enlightening Q&A Session

Our webinar was not just a one-way street. We valued your questions and curiosity! Sarah and Lauren enthusiastically answered your queries, providing actionable insights that can equip you with the essential strategies for a successful online fundraising campaign.

Empowering Industry Knowledge

At the heart of this webinar was the shared goal of empowering our audience with industry knowledge. Giving Tuesday is an important day in the calendar for all organizations and we want to deliver invaluable insights that can make a profound impact on your fundraising efforts.

Missed the webinar?

Don't worry! You can watch it back here any time.