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Supporting Friends of Killarney Parks

Jan 26, 2023

Friends of Killarney Park is a proud partner of Ontario Parks, some of the most beautiful parks in Canada. Each year, they undertake projects and programs vital to protecting and enjoying the beloved Killarney Provincial Park.

The Friends of Killarney Park is a grassroots volunteer organization committed to preserving the beauty and integrity of the park for generations to come. They began when seasoned campers volunteered their time in the park to answer visitor questions and help with trip planning. In 1986, a group of these volunteers formed the Friends with a dedicated volunteer board and 40 members.

Their mission is to protect and enhance the beauty, character, and wildlife of Killarney Park. They encompass everyone who cares about the park – from locals to visitors to weekenders and walkers.

We acknowledge their meaningful work, with January 26 being International Environmental Education Day. We want everyone to consider supporting them as they look to rehabilitate the Chikanishing hiking trail and make interpretative signage possible. They've seen a dramatic increase in people enjoying this day-use trail, which desperately needs repairs.

Supporting Friends of Killarney Parks allows them to update the signage better to reflect the interpretive knowledge regarding the area's history.

Helping them achieve this goal will allow them to:

• Build two bridges, and improve accessibility on the Chikanishing Trail
• Replace 100 metres of boardwalk and protect the natural ecosystem
• Update seven interpretive signs with historical and indigenous knowledge of this beautiful land