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St. John Ambulance: Drowning Prevention Week

Jul 25, 2022

St. John Ambulance BC & Yukon has been a charity for 111 years, since 1911. They train an average of 65,000 students each year in first aid, CPR, AED use, mental health first aid, emergency response, and more. They also sell first aid supplies such as AEDs and first aid kits to help people stay safe whether at work, home, or play. All proceeds of SJA training courses and products go towards their community service programs.

“Here at St. John Ambulance, we consistently support any event that brings awareness to the importance of putting safety first and knowing how to help your community. At present, we are proud to add our voice to National Drowning Prevention Week and use it to encourage everyone to learn CPR to help reduce drowning fatalities in B.C. Everyone has a role to play in saving lives!” - Anna - Marketing & Communications Coordinator, St. John Ambulance (British Columbia and Yukon Council)

More Services St. John Ambulance Provides
Therapy Dog Program:

Certified pups and their handlers spread comfort and joy to the sick, lonely, and stressed. This can be at care homes, hospitals, primary and secondary schools, universities, libraries, workplaces, correctional facilities, local events, and more.

Medical First Responder Program:

Trained first aid professionals volunteering their time to keep local communities safe at large and small-scale events. They also provide emergency and mental health response during natural disasters like wildfires and floods.

Cadet Program:

Volunteers as young as six and up to 17 participate in first aid competitions, camps, and weekly training nights to learn essential leadership, social, and teamwork skills and of course, first aid. They also attend parades and local events to spread the importance of volunteerism and first aid.

To learn more about St. John Ambulance’s initiatives, first aid training or how you can support you can visit their website today.