
3 Key Ways to Improve your Post Event Strategy

Mar 11, 2022

There are a lot of things to consider while you’re planning a fundraising event but one thing that often gets forgotten is what happens after the event is over. We have joined up with our friends at Auction Frogs to give you a quick list of things to remember when wrapping up and reconciling your next fundraising event.

Charging Cards & Reconciling Accounts 

  • When you are ready to charge cards, be methodical about it. If any of them are rejected, make note of who that person is so you can contact them to arrange for another form of payment.  
  • If a card is declined, make note of the reason for the decline.  Insufficient funds is not the only reason for a card to decline.  It can be a fraud-prevention precaution by their institution, and a call to the bank can clear it up.   
  • Auction Frogs has a comprehensive reporting system that will be helpful when it’s time to reconcile your accounts. Make sure that you pull all the reports and data you will need to make the process as quick as possible!  

Donor Communication 

  • Let your donors know who they can contact with questions about charges, items, receipts, etc. 
  • Let them know when to expect charges to hit and what the line item on their account will say (if possible) 
  • Share your results! Donors like to know how you did, if you met your goal, and where/how the money you raised is going to be spent.   

Marketing Strategy 

  • Send thank you cards to your auction item donors and guests to add a personal touch and keep them connected 
  • Share event photos - people love to see the pictures you took at your event, especially if they are in them! 
  • Announce next year’s event date early so people can mark their calendars 
  • Send a survey to guests to get feedback on how the event went so you can prepare for future fundraisers 
  • Send people information on where they can donate and how they stay involved while your organization and event are still on the top of their minds  

Preparation is key 

Planning fundraising events can be stressful and time-consuming. The last thing you need is your donors having a bad experience due to technical glitches. Working with Auction Frogs and their partners like iATS Payments by Deluxe® will give you peace of mind that your donors will have a seamless experience during the event and that you can execute your post-event plans without a hitch.