
Maximizing Impact, Minimizing Risk! A Giving Tuesday Security Guide

Nov 01, 2023

As Giving Tuesday fast approaches, ensuring the security of your online donations is of paramount importance. At iATS Payments, we understand the critical role payment security plays in the success of your fundraising efforts.

Joining Forces For Insightful Discussions

Our nonprofit payment experts, Conor Galvin, and Aeron Ravelo, will discuss a wide range of topics to help your organization safeguard against fraud and ensure a seamless Giving Tuesday experience. 

Unveiling Key Discussion Topics

Throughout the webinar, we covered a spectrum of topics designed to enhance your understanding of fraud and payment security.

  • Common Payment Security Risks: Learn about the most prevalent threats in the online giving landscape and how to protect your organization.
  • Proactive Measures: Discover practical steps to fortify your payment processes and mitigate the risk of fraud.
  • Frequently Asked Questions: We will address questions commonly raised by our clients, providing valuable insights to address your concerns.
  • Interactive Q&A Session: Bring your questions, concerns, and scenarios to our experts during the live Q&A session.

Enlightening Q&A Session

Our webinar was not just a one-way street. We valued your questions and curiosity! Conor and Aeron enthusiastically answered your queries, providing actionable insights that can equip you with the essential strategies for a successful Giving Tuesday campaign.

Empowering Industry Knowledge

At the heart of this webinar was the shared goal of empowering our audience with industry knowledge. Giving Tuesday is an important day in the calendar for all organizations and we want to deliver invaluable insights that can make a profound impact on your fraud and security.

Missed the webinar?

Don't worry! You can watch it back here at any time.