Introducing Purpose Days with Purposely

Mar 14, 2023

Purposely is an inspired platform for organizations to live their values through volunteering. It provides an easy way for companies to connect with local nonprofits and find volunteer opportunities relevant to their business. Through Purposely, companies can ensure that their volunteering efforts have a meaningful impact and that their employees have an enjoyable and rewarding experience.

Not only does Purposely help companies effortlessly coordinate volunteer opportunities, but they also help nonprofits like yours find volunteers. Purposely understands the importance of nonprofits having access to volunteers ready to be of service when needed. They also understand that many organizations need support to find the time and resources to recruit volunteers and help them create more meaningful volunteer experiences.

Purpose Days
Purposely coordinates group volunteering for nonprofits by bringing together corporate volunteers to complete projects at no cost to the nonprofit organization. Since April 2022, they have coordinated Purpose Days to help nonprofits connect with local companies to tackle meaningful projects. They're fun, rewarding, and best of all, impactful! Purpose days are designed to help you with that big, audacious project, these fully coordinated events are organized to bring nonprofits large groups of corporate volunteers to help make the most impact.

For more information about Purposely and how your nonprofit can host a Purpose Day, check out their website and blog posts!

Website link:
Blog Links: