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Downtown Eastside Women's Centre: A Support System for All Women

Mar 08, 2022

Nora lived most of her life in poverty and found herself vulnerable to violence. After she became pregnant with her first child, her family abandoned her. She had no support system and no place to go.  

After Nora discovered the Downtown Eastside Women’s Centre (DEWC) by chance, it became a safe haven for her. For Nora and many women like her, the DEWC provides a safe and supportive space but also a community. 

The mission of the Downtown Eastside Women’s Centre is to provide a safe, non-judgmental environment for women from all walks of life, who live and/or work in the Downtown Eastside of Vancouver. To achieve this goal, the Centre provides supportive surroundings with meals, counseling, advocacy, and programs which nurture and empower members. 

They provide practical support to over 700 women, children and seniors, every day. As well as providing refuge and shelter from conditions of poverty and violence, the Centre provides basic necessities including: 

  • hot meals 
  • free clothing 
  • secure mailing addresses 
  • phone and computer access 
  • functioning and secure toilet and showers 

They also help reduce the effect of economic disadvantage by providing: 

  • toiletries 
  • feminine hygiene products 
  • computer access 
  • harm reduction supplies 
  • first aid 

The Centre assists women with their immediate and crisis needs so they can develop stability and access the resources they need to improve health, family, employment and housing situations. By promoting positive change, they offer individual long-term support, education, advocacy, peer mentorship and exposure to alternatives. 

DEWC operates with the philosophy that all women are the experts in their own lives and deserve to be able to choose their own future. It is a membership-driven organization where all women accessing their services are given a vote and a voice to steer services and programs. 

DEWC also has an anti-racism and anti-poverty mandate. They understand that poverty is systemic, and not the problem of an individual.  

Every woman is entitled to self-determination, self-respect, self-esteem and safety. The DEWC defines “woman” as anyone who identifies and lives as a woman including cis and transgender women.  

They are a feminist organization with feminism as their guiding philosophy. They respect and welcome cultural diversity. Each woman’s strengths and experiences are valued and respected. 

Support the DEWC and help them make a tangible difference in providing safe space, basic needs, and empowering support to women.