Featured Clients

Nonprofit Spotlight: David Suzuki Foundation

Aug 18, 2021

With adverse climate events becoming increasingly regular, it is important to recognize and highlight organizations that fight to protect the environment.

Chief among them is the David Suzuki Foundation (DSF). For over 30 years, DSF has been working with the government, nonprofits, businesses, and individuals to push for a more sustainable Canada.

Less interestingly, the David Suzuki Foundation is also our first client. More than 20 years later, we are pleased to continue supporting the critical work DSF does.



"Our vision is that within a generation, Canadians will act on the understanding that we are all interconnected and interdependent with nature."

"Our mission is to protect the diversity of nature and our quality of life, now and for the future. "

Founded in 1990, the David Suzuki Foundation (DSF) is a national, bilingual nonprofit organization headquartered in Vancouver.

Through evidence-based research, education, and policy analysis, DSF works to conserve and protect the natural environment, and create a sustainable Canada. It regularly collaborates with nonprofit and community organizations, all levels of government, businesses, and individuals.

The David Suzuki Foundation primarily focuses on the following areas:

Environmental rights: DSF fights to establish the legal right for all people in Canada to live in a healthy environment. It maintains that everyone should be able to breathe clean air, drink safe water and eat healthy food, and that this right should be constitutionally protected.

Climate solutions: The DSF helps shift the climate narrative and speed the transition to a low-carbon future. It is building a compelling vision of Canada’s renewable energy opportunities with citizens, cities, Indigenous communities and businesses.

Biodiversity: DSF advocates for people to improve the way they interact with nature to protect the creatures and places they love. It also recognizes Indigenous Peoples as biodiversity stewards, works to resolve rights and title issues, and advances Indigenous governance of their lands and waters.

DSF’s impact is undeniable. A few examples are:

  • It’s advocacy resulted in a $9.2 billion Green Infrastructure Stream by the Government of Canada in 2017
  • It’s research helped expose under-reporting of fugitive methane emissions by an industry and government report
  • Campaigning by DSF even helped save more than 300 grizzly bears a year

The David Suzuki Foundation also backs activists, and legal remedies to environmental problems. In 2020, DSF paid the legal costs for 15 Canadian youth in a lawsuit against the federal government for its role in climate change.


Climate change threatens the planet’s life-support systems. Help the David Suzuki Foundation protect the diversity of nature and our quality of life, now and for the future.