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Celebrating Diversity in Child Welfare

Jul 07, 2023

At iATS payments, our mission goes beyond providing secure and efficient payment solutions. We're dedicated to helping our clients spread the word about their amazing work, amplifying their impact and reaching a wider audience. We believe that every organization, big or small, deserves to have their story heard.

We are delighted to share the Children's Aid Foundation of Canada's incredible initiative in collaboration with The Wiggles as they present their e-book, "Something in Common."

Something in Common

Discover the power of unity amidst diversity! Our shared humanity unites us all in a diverse world of families of various shapes and sizes. Based on this universal truth, Children's Aid Foundation of Canada teams up with the cherished children's entertainment group, The Wiggles, to introduce "Something in Common."

This initiative introduces a free e-book for children that celebrates the stories of young people in Canada's child welfare system. This book facilitates conversations between parents, family members, caregivers, and children about the child welfare system and different family structures. It does this by sharing powerful messages of inclusion and diversity.

The Power of Storytelling

Stories have the extraordinary power to connect people and foster empathy. "Something in Common" weaves a heartwarming tale featuring Tsehay, the Yellow Wiggle, as a camp counsellor at Camp Wiggles. Here, she encounters Leo, a lonely camper who feels like an outsider.
Tsehay introduces Leo to a group of campers, each with their experiences in the child welfare system. While their families may be different, they all share something in common – love and resilience. Through storytelling and mutual understanding, barriers are broken down, and Leo discovers a sense of inclusion, happiness, and newfound confidence.

Accessible Education for All

The e-book is a valuable resource that not only entertains. It educates children about the child welfare system and different family structures in Canada. A comprehensive guide is included and is designed for parents, caregivers, and educators.
The guide provides an overview of child welfare in the country and includes a helpful glossary of terms. Additionally, the guide gives adults the power to have meaningful conversations with children about important topics. This helps them better understand and show more empathy for different types of family structures.

The E-Book

"Something in Common" is more than just an e-book—it celebrates inclusivity, diversity, and the power of storytelling. This initiative promotes empathy, breaks down barriers, and fosters a sense of belonging. It does this by engaging children in conversations about the child welfare system and different family structures.

Children's Aid Foundation of Canada

Children's Aid Foundation of Canada is a leading charity in Canada devoted to enhancing the lives of children and youth in the child welfare system. They raise funds that provide various programs and services to children and collaborate with national child- and youth-serving organizations.
The Foundation gives young individuals with lived experiences a platform to be heard. Their perspectives are valued in this space. They also offer access to opportunities that help them build successful futures for themselves.

Your support enables the Foundation to provide essential resources, support services, and educational opportunities. These empower children and youth in the child welfare system to overcome challenges and thrive.

Download your FREE e-book now and participate in this incredible initiative today! Together, we can make a lasting impact and provide brighter futures for children and youth in the child welfare system.