Featured Clients

Nonprofit Spotlight: Brilliant Corners

Sep 24, 2021

Brilliant Corners provides innovative housing and housing-related services to California’s most vulnerable individuals, with an emphasis on those transitioning from or at risk of homelessness or institutionalization.

In much of North America, but especially in California and across the nation, vulnerable people face an unprecedented affordable housing crisis.

For every 5 extremely low-income (ELI) renter households in California, there is only 1 affordable unit available, and California boasts 4 of the 10 metro areas with the most severe ELI rental unit shortage in the nation.

This lack of affordable housing has profound consequences for vulnerable individuals. Too often, the result is homelessness, institutionalization, incarceration, substandard housing, or severe rent burdens.

At Brilliant Corners, their focus is on housing people and keeping them housed.



To create affordable, supportive housing for vulnerable and undeserved people, including but not limited to people with intellectual and physical disabilities and those transitioning or diverted from homelessness or institutions.


  • Housing Development. Multi-family supportive housing and single-family “shared housing” through new construction, acquisition, rehab, and preservation of “at-risk” housing.
  • Housing Services. Brilliant Corners creates and provides cost-effective, individualized housing planning and housing case management services to Regional Center persons served, families, people with other disabilities, and homeless veterans.
  • Property Management. Brilliant Corners provides person-centered property management for residents who need supportive housing in licensed, unlicensed, single-site, scattered-site settings, and HUD communities. Services include routine and emergency maintenance, accessibility and person-centered modifications, occupied renovations, and long-term asset management and refinancing.
  • Housing for Health. Brilliant Corners partners with public health, housing and other agencies, such as the San Francisco Department of Public Health and Los Angeles County Department of Health Services to design and implement innovative scattered-site housing programs for people who need rapid access to quality, permanent supportive housing. Goals include improving the health outcomes for vulnerable populations and reduce costs to the public health system.
  • Case Management. HUD-VASH (Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing) program provides housing placement services and on-going clinical case management to VA-referred Veterans and their families struggling with chronic homelessness.


  • 10,344 People Housed
  • 221 People Housed Monthly
  • 309 Properties Owned and Managed
  • 70 Partner Agencies


Donate to Brilliant Corners and help them provide supportive community-based housing and housing support services to vulnerable individuals looking for a place to call home.